Adult Life Groups
Doing life together as brothers and sisters in Christ is the purpose of our Life group. Life groups grow in Christlikeness through coaching with the Word, concern for one another, and connecting with our community.
Preschool, Children & Youth
Opportunities are made available for kids be nurtured in KNOWING HIM (worship), GROWING LIKE HIM (Bible study) and GOING WITH HIM (service).
At GraceWorks, our goal in the worship/music is for every person to be engaged as we praise and worship God and our Savior, Jesus Christ through music in our corporate services! Music is a gift from God and we return it back to Him! Another goal is to encourage each other through music!
The GraceWorks family seeks to make a difference in the world by being involved in our community. Opportunities are made available for members to use talents and abilities to share the love of Christ.
Ministry Teams
At GraceWorks, there are many opportunities to serve. Check out our list of Ministry Teams to see where to use your talents!
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. Romans 12:4-5