Who We Are

GraceWorks Church an inter-denominational Church founded in 2006. An inter-denominational church is one that celebrates the strengths of many denominations yet is not affiliated with any particular denomination and its entities. An interdenominational church strives to incorporate different practices from various denominations such as Lord’s Supper and baptism. These doctrines listed are the non-negotiables foundation of GraceWorks. A prominent Chattanooga landmark is a 110 ft cross marks the location of the campus of GraceWorks. Early in the history of GraceWorks, the Christian symbol was constructed to be used to reach the unchurched and serve as reminder to all the sacrifice and grace of Jesus Christ. GraceWorks exists to bring glory to God through the fulfilling the Great Commission of making disciples. Every member is expected to participate in the following disciplines of worship (KNOW), Bible study groups (GROW), and ministry (GO).

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